Monday, August 15, 2011

Alex Steele

This just in from the lovely Stephen Stohn's twitter...

"It would've been to difficult story-wise to bring back @alexzasteele [Alex Steele] as Angela, so we're bringing her back anyway: as Tori!"

For anyone who is confused - or just didn't become a true Degrassi-ite until more recently - don't worry, I can explain why that's exciting.

In case you couldn't figure it out, Alex Steele is the younger sister of Cassie Steele (Manny).  She was on Degrassi for a few seasons as the minor character of Angela Jeremiah.  She was in the first 5 seasons, as Joey's son and Craig's step-brother and had a few cute plots but was never vital towards anything.  She was in kindergarten during season 1 and 2, so it was always sort of a joke among some Degrassi fans that one day she would go to Degrassi Community School and become a more important character but when Joey and Craig left the show, she had to leave, too.

Now, though, she'll be coming back to the cast of Degrassi, this time as principle character Tori.  Tori has potential to be a character that needs a punch in the face, but it'll be nice to see Alex in a bigger role.

Tori is described as a girl whose parents have never told her no.  She's a child model and who was frequently in beauty pageants and essentially believes she's the best at everything.

I'm gonna be honest, I don't watch as much Degrassi as I should anymore.

But if I were watching, I would be super excited for this character.  I love characters that I constantly want to punch.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

First Post of 2011

We're only... 5 months into it.  At least I haven't let a full half-year go by.  I am really sorry again for not posting regularly.  I'm not much busier than I was last year, when Mango and I had our post a day kick.  I guess the blog has become less of a priority to me as Degrassi became less of a priority.  Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE the show, but the quality has gone down.  It's difficult to get excited about new episodes, but I'm still super excited by the concept of Degrassi.
To any followers who really love our writing style or poignant humor or just like reading our posts and laughing at our stupidity, don't worry, you'll still get your fill of JJ and Mango antics, I think.  Just less regularly.  Unless season 11 of Degrassi takes it back to a whole new level again.
There's probably 2 people who genuinely worshipped the blog, so I'm not too worried about breaking anyone's spirit.  (Except all those faithful imaginary readers, but they can read imaginary posts, so it's okay.)
So I was thinking to make up for lost time, I can post my reflections on Degrassi through multiple posts revolving around central characters.  This post is not about anything in particular.  It's just me writing again.
So hello.
I'll go write a post now...
So goodbye.