Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How Do You HALO?

In other words, how do you help and lead others?

The HALO Awards were started last year by TeenNick as a project by new chairman Nick Cannon.  This award is presented by four celebrities every year to four teens that help and lead others.

And this year, there's a contest (that's for AMERICANS, for once)!

Except of course TeenNick is conspiring against me and JJ, because you have to be between 16 and 24 to enter.


Enter here!  And you can enter once a day!  :)

All you need is a Twitter account, and if you don't have one, go ahead and sign up - it's free!



P.S. It's just been announced by eTalk CTV that Drake is hosting the Juno Awards this year!  

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